Monday, April 11, 2011


It would be cool if a lot of the staff members had blogs that were updated fairly regularly... that could link to. "These are our staff writers and these are their blogs" sort of thing. . .

Update from phone

Can I update my blog from my phone?

Co-op staff

Okay some ideas I had for the paper--- weekly staff meeting at my apartment. Pot luck. Everyone brings a dish. We share our accomplishments and ideas for the week and then we eat. :D

If I start developing a strong staff of writers who are interested in being on staff... part of the gig can be sort of "clocking in" for a minimum of maybe 12 hours a week or something like that (this is when we get office space). The staff meeting can count towards their hours. They can do stuff around the office, collaborate with each other, and work on projects.... or just pound out stories, work on their ad sales. But.... I don't know, that was just an idea I had. Still fleshing it out.
Lots to do... so much little stuff that I haven't thought about. Some great people wanting to get involved and be a part of the journal.

I decided that I would post random story ideas on here... I decided that I would talk about some of the things and ideas I have for the newspaper on here. It might be interesting to some people and help promote the journal at the same time.

I have a long drive to work. Driving is the best time for me to think nowadays. I used to work at Wal-Mart and sometimes I would work the front line. Checking is one of the best occupations for thinking. I used to write ideas on scraps of paper and cram them in my pocket. I loved it. But nowadays, I find my think time when driving.

Instead of using my phone to talk while I'm driving, I just need to chill out... put on some great music... record my ideas into the voices recorder... then go home and blog about it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Staff Meeting at My Apartment

Our staff is starting to meld. But we are looking for outside submissions. Write something or go through your stuff and find something you already wrote and submit, submit, submit.

You must submit to Bohemia. (We are super interested in Rocket/Outer space poetry... and I would like to see some creative writing pieces come in about road trips for the summer. Stories, no more than 2000 words.)

We've got 3 staff writers, a business manager, a lay-out designer, an art director, ad sales manager, gal about town (Lisa, that would be you)... and me. We also have several people wanting to submit some stuff. Once we start getting it in... we will put it on panel and decide what to put in each issue. Submit your photography and we might make it a FRONT PAGE PICTURE.

I can't wait for our first issue to come out. Cool stories in the works... really a little bit for everyone looking for some arts and culture. We are so downtown and we don't even know it, baby.

I teach 2nd grade from Monday through Friday but the weekends are all about Bohemia. :D

Waco will love Bohemia because Bohemia loves Waco.

Keep Waco Wacko. Bohemia.

Since it was the first staff meeting at my house, I bought beer (good beer), wine, crackers, carrots, artichoke dip, humus, white cheddar salsa, subs, tortilla chips, Milano cookies, Sun Drop soda, canned tea, water. Oh, and cheeses. A display of cheeses. I hope people enjoyed it.

And I hope that you will enjoy my ramblings about Bohemia and what I am working on in order to create the magazine. This is a blog about the production of a magazine, a behind the scenes type of thing.

I have been an editor before, but I have never owned my own business nor have I published a journal.... so this is a new and exciting adventure. BUT... so far, everyone is willing to help out and pitch in. It is fun. Bohemia.

It would be cool to film a video about starting up this publication as well. It could be a web series. (Thumbs up!) Bohemia! I would like to get about 5 more people on staff. I am specifically looking for an assistant, a web page designer & tech guru, a cinematographer for the Bohemia web series (hey, why not?), marketing & PR person, and head of submissions.

I am a writer, that is me

With wicked speed, I type a lot. With hands that find and peck and hunt. And with this ease I will confront a notion worthy of my spunk. And with some luck, I will see a formula to carry me from obscure ranks above my knees to banking notoriety. Gypsies, writers, tramps, and thieves. Bohemia.

Tune in, turn on. Submit to Bohemia.